Project Description

The overarching goal of our project aims to investigate perceptions about occupational attributes and thus derive proposals how to attract more applicants to certain occupations. Therefore, we use an occupational branding framework which is theorized to influence occupational attractiveness.
The method used to achieve our goal was a quasi-experimental field study with 3291 participants from ten different professional fields. The participants were given two different versions of the questionnaire, related to either their actual occupational profile or the assumed occupational profile.
The actual occupational profile is based on job evaluations by people with a degree in the respective occupation while the assumed occupational profile is based on evaluations regarding the typical work or job of people with a degree in the respective occupation.

Description of the occupational branding framework

How to use

This web page displays the results of the aforementioned study.
To display the results, you can choose the view in the following three steps:

  1. Choose if you want to compare the results within or between the ten professions
  2. Select the profession for the comparison within professions or select the profile for the comparison between professions
  3. Select the profile for the comparison within professions or select the profession for the comparison between professions
Through the “CLEAR PLOT” Button, you can hide the previously selected images/professions and start all over.

Customize view

Advanced researchers can use the tab “Customize View” for a more detailed view and to get deeper insights.