OcPro allows you to explore different occupational profiles regarding work related attributes. In doing so, OcPro allows students and professionals to compare these occupational profiles with their own experiences and enables organizations to adjust their HR activities. OcPro data differentiates between actual and assumed occupational profiles. You can compare profiles within or between occupations. Select a comparison criteria to start exploring.

Customize the Professional Profiles to your preferences

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Choose occupation                       

Choose occupation                       

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Choose profile                             

Choose occupation                       

Choose occupation                       

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Choose profile                             

Choose occupation                       

Choose occupation                       

Choose profile                             

Choose profile                             
[1] actual occupational profile based on job evaluations by people with a degree in the respective occupation
[2] assumed occupational profile based on evaluations regarding the typical work or job of people with a degree in the respective occupation
Pay: Payment and Benefits
Security: Job Security
Advancement: Advancement Opportunities
Flextime: Flexibility in Time
Flexplace: Flexibility in Place
Activities: Social/Team Activities
Travel: Travel Opportunities
Autonomy: Decision-Making Autonomy
TaskVar: Task Variety
Identity: Task Identity
Significance: Task Significance
Complexity: Job Complexity
Process: Information Processing
ProbSolv: Problem Solving
SkillVar: Skill Variety
Spez: Spezialization
Detail: Attention to Detail
Skilling: Skilling / Lifelong Learning
HStress: Hindrance Stress
CStress: Challenge Stress
Innovation: Perceived Innovative Job Requirement
Digital: Digital Equipment
IIC: Incremental Innovative Capability
RIC: Radical Innovative Capability
Tech: Use of Digital Technologies
Inclusion: Climate for Inclusion
Formal: Formalization
Justice: Gender Specific System Justification
: Time-based Work Interference with Family
: Behavior-based Work Interference with Family
: Corporate Social Responsibility
: Prosocial Motivation
Prestige: Prestige
Robust: Robustness
Competence: Competence
Innov: Innovativeness
Cheerful: Cheerfulness
Sincerity: Sincerity
Achieve: Achievement-oriented
Skill: Skillfulness
Reliance: Self-Reliance
Dominance: Dominance
Communal: Communality
Agency: Agency